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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Brotherly Advice

You know what I love? (I ask this question not "Do you care what I love?" because I KNOW you care about what I love. Otherwise, you're not reading this scintilatting bit of fluff.) I absolutely love hearing my big boy, you know, this dude, the one hauling our dog across the front yard to throw her in his tiny pool.  

I love hearing him, when he's not hauling around the livestock, lecture his little brother about sharing. He said, and I quote, "You have to share. Jesus doesn't like it when you don't share. It's not nice."

Sound advice, I'd say. Actually, I think it's bordering on wonderful since it's exactly what his father and I have told him countless times. And yes, I love this because I'm proud that he's listening. I didn't mean it that way though. I was being somewhat sarcastic. I know that you find it hard to believe that I would be anything other than completely forthright and plainspoken in my interactions with my children and my writing. It's a character trait that I've tried to hide but now you know, I can be a little sarcastic sometimes. And a little facetious. And perhaps a little acerbic. I apologize if this comes as a shock to you.

The reason I enjoyed this much-needed and often-repeated lecture on sharing was because the punk actually giving the lecture is the same one who has wholloped his brother over the head to take something from him and the one who has screamed with so much dramatic flair that Joan Crawford and Bette Davis would have pronounced him over doing it a bit, and again, this is a quote, "I won't share! I'm never going to share ever again!"

Just found this post. Don't know where I was going with it so don't know how to finish it. Hope you enjoyed it though.

1 comment:

melhinkle said...

Too funny! You crack me up and your punks are priceless!
