
Hey Y'all! Come on in! Make yourself comfortable. You're in the country now and this is how we roll.

Friday, December 16, 2011


Okay, so it's been a really long time since I did a blog post. I have no excuse other than to say I've been busy...............Okay, okay, okay. I didn't believe I was going to leave it at that either. If you know anything about me there's no making a long story short where I'm concerned. There's certainly the exact opposite of that, making a short story long, but NEVER making a long story short. So, of course I have an excuse. I've been busy. To make a short story long, I've been a single parent for most of this time. I haven't left my baby daddy or anything, he's just been working away from home for the majority of the time since I last wrote a blog post. And of course, I've been diligent in my housewifery. Somewhere in this house, my hubs just laughed out loud and he has no idea why. I've been watching a lot of Spongebob and Phineas and Ferb. I prefer P & F but I have little say in the matter. And, naturally, I've been baking cupcakes, sometimes a couple hundred sometimes just a few. But I've definitely been baking them.


Hey, wait a minute. That's not me. That's my cutie-patootie, freckled-face niece Banana and her baby sister, Ta. And that's not cupcakes, that's sugar cookies. That's when they stayed all night at our house. It was like one of those food vacations you can take, where you check out all the local restaurants and stuff. These awesome chicks came to my house, ate pizza for dinner, made sugar cookies, had chips and cheese and popcorn while we watched a movie, had waffles for breakfast the next morning, and then made, you know, cupcakes. I promised Banana I'd feature her in my blog. I'd forgotten to do it when she helped me put the chocolate fountain together for her brother's graduation party, so I definitely owed her. So, Banana, here you go!!

In other news, this is my kid....

If you're on my Facebook, you've already seen this. I don't mean this is my kid in disguise, I mean this is my kid. He just took this costume out the other day and wore it around for the entire day. If he's not wearing this, he's definitely wearing his cape. He wears it all the time. And if he's not wearing this costume, he's definitely wearing his pajamas, if he's home. Because, if he's home, he's always wearing his pajamas. He doesn't want to wear anything but his pajamas. Sometimes, he takes his pajamas off, takes a bath, then puts his pajamas back on. His Spongebob pajamas are his favs. But, in the event that he's worn them for a few days straight and Mommy or Daddy makes him take them off so they can be laundered, he'll wear something else. So long as it's pajamas. And he will take his pajamas off to put other pajamas on, if he stumbles across a pair that he likes better. Here, he's mixing it up a bit, Spongebob and Iron Man (they're really Superman but he things every thing is Iron Man). Pay no attention to the glasses, they're prescription. :)

This is my other turkey. He really was Iron Man. This of course was from Halloween. We went Trick-or-Treating. I think we went to 8 houses. We still haven't eaten all of the candy.

This is also my boy, the day after Thanksgiving, putting wreaths onto the windows upstairs. Now, this picture is old, and most everyone has seen it already. So, we've been lectured and told not to let our 5 year old on the roof. And we've replied, "Sheesh, it was just the porch roof. He was only one story up. And he's been wanting to do it for years now. Lighten up." Let me tell you, that is not a response people appreciate. They don't appreciate it all. It makes me laugh though and really, isn't that all that matters. (My child was never in any danger during the taking of this picture or the hanging of the wreaths. Come on people, give us some credit.)

In other news, we are now the proud owners of a new vehicle. Yeah, this is my new ride.

I'm kidding of course. This is not my new ride. This is in fact a concrete truck. How many of you were thinking that this is exactly the kind of truck I need to drive? You can admit it. I expect most of you, especially the ones related to me by blood, to think that. I'm horribly offended but, what can you do? This is when we poured concrete for a patio at the rear of our house. My big boy was at school so I had to document the entire thing. Yeah, it was somewhat uncomfortable. I was running around in our yard with a camera and a camcorder while 4 men were doing all the things that concrete requires. I'm fairly certain they either thought I was a lunatic or interested in taking one or more of them out to dinner.

So, now it's Christmas time. I'm still baking cupcakes. Now I'm making fudge, cookies, and truffles as well. And I've discovered that I despise making truffles. So, don't expect any from me. Ever. Seriously, I hate them. With every fiber of my being. What I don't hate......

Look!!! It's my favorite things!!! Gorgeous shoes and sugary sweet goodness!!! Ah.....

More sugary sweet goodness. I watched this movie. My reaction at the time was, "Oh, Thor, where have you been all my life?" My reaction remains the same.

And, of course I still love purses. So, Santa, if you're listening, I would really like a new purse. I've behaved no more inappropriately than I have any other year, so......It's true, I haven't purchased any of the above pictures in a very long time. Wait! No. I mean, I haven't purchases shoes or purses in a very long time. I've NEVER purchased a human being. Ever.

That's not to say, of course, that, were the occassion to present itself, I would not purchase Thor. Because, I can't promise that. But, that's another post for another day. And a long discussion between the hubs and myself to determine if we have the money, if it would require an addition to the house, you know, things like that.

I'm kidding of course. Right now, the only men I wish to have in my life are these dudes and the one taking the picture....

I know I look like a deranged axe murderer in this picture but like I said before, what can you do?

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